- Subscription period from 11 to 29 November 2024
- Payment date of 13 December 2024
- Planned issuing volume: approx. CHF 50–80 million
Akara Diversity PK can look back on a very successful first half of 2024, generating a return on investment of 2.12% as at 30 June 2024. This figure comprises a solid cash flow yield of 1.49% and capital growth of 0.63%. Since its launch in 2016, the fund has cumulatively outperformed the KGAST Immo-Index Mixed by 7.88%. The portfolio continues to grow and comprised 158 properties with a total value of approximately CHF 2.8 billion at the mid-point of 2024.
The marked change in the interest rate environment means there is slightly stronger demand for Swiss real estate investments. The yield differential (cash flow yield of Akara Diversity PK versus 10-year Swiss government bonds) currently stands at an attractive 2.5% p.a.
13th capital increase in November 2024
The fund manager of Swiss Prime Site Solutions is therefore planning to carry out a further capital increase for Akara Diversity PK. The subscription period for the 13th capital increase will run from Monday, 11 November to Friday, 29 November 2024. The aim is to raise CHF 50–80 million in capital. The payment date for the fund units will be Friday, 13 December 2024. The detailed terms of the issue will be published before the start of the subscription period.
Existing investors can exercise their subscription rights in respect of the capital increase. If any subscription rights remain unexercised, new investors will have the opportunity to participate in the fund.
Use of the capital
The capital raised will be used mainly to expand the portfolio in line with the strategy. Exclusive transaction opportunities have already been secured. In addition, ongoing projects are financed and, where possible, the borrowed capital ratio is reduced further.
Akara Diversity PK fund profile
Akara Diversity PK, which comprises total fund assets of about CHF 2.8 billion, is open to tax-exempt pension funds and social insurance and compensation funds registered in Switzerland. Investment funds may also invest if their investor base consists solely of the above-mentioned tax-exempt institutions domiciled in Switzerland. The valuation of the shares is based on the NAV without premiums/discounts, which reduces volatility. Investment is made in existing properties and development and construction projects with residential or commercial usage types (50%, ±15 percentage points) throughout Switzerland. It aims to achieve a steady and attractive distribution, long-term value growth and broad diversity. Most properties are held directly.
If you have any questions please contact:
Monika Gadola Hug, Head Client Relations
Tel. +41 58 317 16 31, monika.gadolahug(at)sps.swiss
Andrea Schaller, Media Relations
Tel. +41 58 317 17 51, andrea.schaller@sps.swiss