Swiss Prime Site Solutions has signed up to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) – underscoring its commitment to actively incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into the investment process.
Swiss Prime Site Solutions is building on its existing sustainable investment approach, which it offers to clients via an extensive array of products. The PRI signatories form a global network of asset managers, owners and service providers who work together to put responsible investing into practice. The voluntary principles are designed as a framework for integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into investment decisions.
Sustainable investment approach
Swiss Prime Site Solutions has also committed to undertaking a range of further measures to bring it into line with the PRI principles. These include developing guidelines for sustainable investment and considering how these can be incorporated into investment decisions. Swiss Prime Site Solutions will also focus on documentation in order to meet the annual PRI reporting requirements.
“We have been offering our clients investment solutions that reflect a wide range of sustainability criteria for years. By signing up to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, we want to drive home just how important it is to us to integrate environmental and social factors into our investment strategies,” says Anastasius Tschopp, CEO of Swiss Prime Site Solutions.
If you have any questions please contact:
Anastasius Tschopp, Chief Executive Officer
Tel. +41 58 317 17 33, anastasius.tschopp(at)sps.swiss
Andrea Schaller, Media Relations
Tel. +41 58 317 17 51, andrea.schaller(at)sps.swiss